Customer reviews

This section contains letters we've received over the period of time. The standard store rating results from customers is located here.

Many thanks to everyone for your letters...

...we appreciate them very much.


Locomotif, as a motif of a locomotive, is a great name and an absolutely amazing product and approach of the creator of this project. Railway workers were missing something like this. It started with “Záchrana” (Rescue) and continues with other locomotive motifs.

We approached Ivana Freitag regarding the production of a T-shirt with our ‘Machšinka’ locomotive, which has been accompanying the ‘Kavárna s párou’ café for six years.

The communication and cooperation are concrete, fast and of high quality. Everything we negotiate is valid and everything is resolved swiftly. From a very well-made T-shirt design by Ondřej Jiráska to the material used, printing, packaging and import. Everything is perfect. The personal approach is a bonus.

We are very satisfied and we believe that our slightly girlish railway enthusiasm will continue to deepen. - Jana Pára Plíhalová




2machsinka_triko  3_zada_para2


We consider the ‘Záchrana’ project to be very successful. Not only it will help all our railway clubs and museums to overcome this period, but everyone will also have a nice T-shirt. We very much appreciate all those who have decided to support any railway club or museum through this project by purchasing a T-shirt. Thank you. - Pavel Šturm, Železniční společnost Tanvald o.p.s. (Zubačka)

 Logo zubacka



Thank you for the excellent idea with the ‘Záchrana’ T-shirt and the promotion of our events. Many thanks and best regards.Marek Říha, Chornický železniční klub, z. s.

chornicky zeleznicni klub


Thank you for the beautiful and high-quality T-shirts. We like them very much and proudly wear them wherever we can!Michal Jirásek, SŽM Pečky


Logo szmp 2015 pecky



Thank you for this great idea and the opportunity to get involved in an interesting project. - Hynek Posselt, Kolej-klub z. s.  

Kolej klub




Original, imaginative, design-wise successful and well-made T-shirts that are a joy to look at and even more fun to wear!J. Štefek, KŽM Ostrava  





The package arrived yesterday, the T-shirts are very nice, thank you very much. Thank you also for the small gifts included in the package, it was a pleasant surprise.

This is how I imagine a small distinctive e-shop should work. Well arranged shop, good communication with the customer, small gifts, personal thanks in the package, well-made graphics and logo of the e-shop. I really like it all very much and I’m rooting for you. Good luck to the brand and the e-shop!Jiří Čermák



Hello, I have received your package and have to thank you and praise you for your great work! The T-shirts are very comfortable and, together with the metal mug, absolutely perfect! I’m already promoting you at work and my co-workers like your products as well, so you can expect some orders from the Kolín depot. - David Kováč



Dear Mrs Freitag, I am very happy with the received hoodie. I can’t believe you sent me the right hoodie for free. I have never encountered such incredibly helpful behaviour. And the postcard really delighted me. Thank you very much for everything and, as I promised, I will praise you everywhere and I am going to share my experience with your e-shop on Facebook right away.

Thank you once again. I wish you every success in business and especially health for you and all your loved ones during this strange time.Alena Drdová